For the first time, I was alone in the classroom. Well my cooperative teacher was just outside the classroom but it was only me who knew she was there.
Teaching 20 or something students in a classroom. I had all their attention on me, their eyes on me, eager to learn everything I am willing to give them... My first class was a kindergarten class and they were going to paint with the big students tray since they did a great job the last time they used paint. Even for an adult it is so difficult to keep your colors that are on your palette clean, but they were able to remind themselves and each others to keep their brushes clean. It is so joyful to hear all students say oh no, you have to wash your brush and dry it on the sponge before you take your next color. They love when you make a mistake (even though you do it on purpose and even they know that you are doing it on purpose:)))...)
I had another kindergarten class and we (teachers) made a mistake, we thought that they have done painting before and gave them also big tray! We had already set up the class for them with big tray when I noticed that they haven't painted before. SO I expended my demonstration time a little bit so that I can review primary colors, cleaning their brushes and drying them every time they change a color on their brush. Some of these kids have had painting with Ms. L. in Pr.K. so they kind of knew what they were supposed to do, and for the new students the old ones were very helpful and nice. They kept reminding everyone to clean their brushes...
After these classes I had to stop and think to myself; how can I make this better as a teacher? They seem to do a great job with mixing colors, and they do not seem to have a motivation for painting. Brush, paint, and water is just an enough motivation for them...
In the studio, time is a very valuable thing. So I keep looking at the time, and not pay enough attention to what students are doing during the studio time. This is the first thing I am trying to work on. I try make one-to-one connections with students but I also need to point out things that would help them keep on track, considering that at this age they can not concentrate more then 15-20 minutes.
Painting is one of the materials that cleaning up takes the most time. As a teacher I have to get used to prepare for the next class since there is not much time in between the classes... (at least at elementary I need to do that cause kids are not countable enough yet).
On the other hand, my students started to recognize me, acknowledge me, let me be a part of their life. It is an amazing thing when they see you in the hall way, on the street, or some where and they make effort to come next to you just to say ' Hi Ms. Ilona'.
I am enjoying to be Ms. Ilona in their lives.
Everyday is a new day for me and for students...
Looking forward for tomorrow, for new things to come along...